Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Take My Hand, new album by Nader Khan

I first came across Nader Khan from the Seekers Digest blog and he has a beautiful song called "Take My Hand" that is worth hearing. He also has some songs in Arabic and Urdu that are wonderfully done...

1 comment:

shanz said...


i am so bored.
like so bored.
i can't believe i'm writing this right now. on your nonexistant blog. like that's how bored i am.

duudeiwantasnowdaytomorrow. skeetskeetskeeeeeeeetmofooooooooooididnotjustsaythatpretenedyoudidntreadthatbecauseyourmydadscousinandifhefoundouthatijustsaidskeetiwouldbesogroundedandyouknowthatihopeyouhaventgottentoofarinreadingthisbecausethatsalmostassadasmewritingthisomgbyeeeee.